2016-12-14 18:47:48 UTC
Last summer my wife and I were stopped for lunch at First Lake, west of
Lone Pine. A friendly 3 foot long garter snake crawled all around us and
under our day packs. Since the lake is at 10,000, I was surprised to find
a snake at that altitude. Has anyone else had high altitude snake
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i inherited 20 acres costillica county san luis colorado...an reading about rattle snakes scorpions etc. we visited guffey colorado...a few years back...trompin` around property inherited there...never thought about rattlesnakes there we have copperheads in missouriLone Pine. A friendly 3 foot long garter snake crawled all around us and
under our day packs. Since the lake is at 10,000, I was surprised to find
a snake at that altitude. Has anyone else had high altitude snake
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